Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Leadership Day

Leadership day 

We were learning to Try and be a leader
Our task was to follow instructions by leaders that were training us to try and be in there programe arataki
I found it easy because if your on the end of your row and in the middle you dont need to do anything
Next time I will try harder if I end up being in another row

Friday, October 16, 2020

Mood & Atmosphere

 We were leaarning to write about mood & atmosphere I had to create a piece of writing about being tired.  I found it kinda hard to find some interesting words to show the moos better.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Te reo

Kei te aha koe a te mutunga wiki 
kei te mahi
kei te aha koe a te mutunga wiki
kei te haire

We are learning to say simple sentences in te reo
our task was to ask questions in te reo and respond with something we did in the weekends
I found it difficult because we couldnt post or save the video
Next time I will try harder to save the video or record on screencastifiy

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


I was learning how to code these aliens to dance or move with a song 
my task was to operate the objects to do something instead of just bobbing up and down
I found it pretty easy cause of the step by step tutourial to move your object
next time I will choose a different and more difficult game/dance.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Maori Emojis

I was learning to say these maori greetings to my mates and teachers
my task was to speak maori for a whole three weeks
I learnt diffrent maori emotion word greetings
I found it hard because I dont normally greet my friends in maori
next time I will try new and longer maori greetings to say to everyone

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


I was learning to move and control my animal to get its food
my task was to control my charecter to its destination
I found it a little hard because on some levels the is alot of turning
next time I will try harder to challenge my self more to make it easier for the rest of the harder levels

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I was learning how to code my bird
My task was to create a game called flappy bird
I leart how to create games and move the bird
I found it easy because of there was a ten step by step tutorial for people that are new to coding
Next time I will challenge myself so its not as easy before

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cabbage Tree

I was learning how to work independently about cabbage trees off of a book called koros medicine. 
The task was to do a report about cabbage tree. 
I learnt about how tall and how jagged cabbage trees stump is.I found it a little difficult because 
I found it difficult because I wasn't paying attention on my work.
Next time I will research more and concentrate

Friday, March 13, 2020