Friday, June 26, 2020

Maori Emojis

I was learning to say these maori greetings to my mates and teachers
my task was to speak maori for a whole three weeks
I learnt diffrent maori emotion word greetings
I found it hard because I dont normally greet my friends in maori
next time I will try new and longer maori greetings to say to everyone

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


I was learning to move and control my animal to get its food
my task was to control my charecter to its destination
I found it a little hard because on some levels the is alot of turning
next time I will try harder to challenge my self more to make it easier for the rest of the harder levels

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I was learning how to code my bird
My task was to create a game called flappy bird
I leart how to create games and move the bird
I found it easy because of there was a ten step by step tutorial for people that are new to coding
Next time I will challenge myself so its not as easy before

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cabbage Tree

I was learning how to work independently about cabbage trees off of a book called koros medicine. 
The task was to do a report about cabbage tree. 
I learnt about how tall and how jagged cabbage trees stump is.I found it a little difficult because 
I found it difficult because I wasn't paying attention on my work.
Next time I will research more and concentrate